Source: Constants.js

 * BKG WebMap Version
 * @type {string}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.VERSION
BKGWebMap.VERSION = '0.7.4';

 * OpenLayers version used in BKG WebMap
 * @type {string}

 * Native Projektion of WebAtlasDE
 * @type {string}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.PROJECTION

 * Default div id for map
 * @type {string}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.DEFAULT_MAP_DIV

 * Standard URL for BKG services
 * @type {string}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.BASE_URL
BKGWebMap.BASE_URL = '';

 * URL of BKG maps services registry
 * @type {string}

 * Configuration for secure BKG services (/security)
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.SECURITY
 * @property {string|null} UUID - BKG UUID (/security/UUID)
 * @property {string|null} appID - BKG Application ID (/security/appID)
 * @property {string|null} appDomain - Domain for BKG Application ID (/security/appDomain)
    UUID: null,
    appID: null,
    appDomain: null,
    cookieCheck: false

 * Default layer, if user does not define any layer in config
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.DEFAULT_LAYER
 * @property {string} type - Type of layer
 * @property {string} name - Name of layer shown in menu.
 * @property {string} ref - Reference of layer in BKG layer registry. This is the name of BKG layer to load.
 * @property {string|null} srsName - Projection of layer. If null, then map projection will be used.
 * @property {boolean} visibility - Initial visibility of layer.
    type: 'BKG',
    name: 'WebAtlasDE',
    ref: 'webatlasde_light',
    srsName: 'EPSG:25832',
    visibility: true

 * Standard extent of Germany in various projections
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.EXTENTS
    'EPSG:4326': [2.07498609301, 46.4840034677, 18.6083668593, 55.0242047281],
    'EPSG:4258': [2.07498609301, 46.4840034677, 18.6083668593, 55.0242047281],
    'EPSG:3857': [230986.395277, 5858253.27918, 2071473.92327, 7366565.17486],
    'EPSG:4839': [-588294.218731, -816874.468761, 697029.429872, 782107.671922],
    // (U)TM
    'EPSG:25832': [-31457.2, 5171172.3, 1113266.0, 6139784.2],
    'EPSG:25833': [-491561.055747, 5229609.57213, 730630.700903, 6103438.87585],
    'EPSG:4647': [31968542.8007, 5171172.29888, 33113265.9755, 6139784.18944],
    'EPSG:5650': [32331206.6246, 5023799.91841, 33927672.7555, 6400503.87422],
    'EPSG:3034': [3411878.17838, 2238751.12694, 4531884.85677, 3156427.30041],
    'EPSG:3035': [3713155.60384, 2629215.23991, 4870256.61293, 3579362.40517],
    'EPSG:3044': [-31457.1993059, 5171172.29888, 1113265.97552, 6139784.18944],
    'EPSG:3045': [-491561.055747, 5229609.57213, 730630.700903, 6103438.87585],
    // GK
    'EPSG:31466': [2198674.97164, 5156935.03086, 3304138.59087, 6172478.95319],
    'EPSG:31467': [2968406.76329, 5172797.1438, 4113580.06377, 6141807.67656],
    'EPSG:31468': [3738224.07893, 5197527.23054, 4922420.07541, 6119480.25774],
    'EPSG:31469': [4508181.06836, 5231250.21482, 5730855.01451, 6105438.37812],
    'EPSG:5676': [2198674.97164, 5156935.03086, 3304138.59087, 6172478.95319],
    'EPSG:5677': [2968406.76329, 5172797.1438, 4113580.06377, 6141807.67656],
    'EPSG:5678': [3738224.07893, 5197527.23054, 4922420.07541, 6119480.25774],
    'EPSG:5679': [4508181.06836, 5231250.21482, 5730855.01451, 6105438.37812],

    'EPSG:2397': [2801653.04641, 5050072.5876, 4398909.7451, 6362436.76306],
    'EPSG:2398': [3566148.11787, 5046287.77486, 5163397.24898, 6367094.20891],
    'EPSG:2399': [4330719.40757, 5025898.84992, 5927851.03379, 6403177.11818]

 * Projected bounds of various coordinate systems
 * @type {Object}
    'EPSG:4326': [-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0],
    'EPSG:4258': [-35.999991, 18.404252, 53.999994, 79.321963],
    'EPSG:3857': [-20037508.3428, -20037508.3428, 20037508.3428, 20037508.3428],
    'EPSG:4839': [-2275549.54467, -5292558.65892, 3682077.51074, 4993562.02194],
    'EPSG:25832': [-1370000, 3800000, 2100000, 8020000],
    'EPSG:25833': [-1700000, 3700000, 1900000, 7950000],
    'EPSG:4647': [30630000, 3800000, 34100000, 8020000],
    'EPSG:5650': [31050000, 3800000, 34530000, 8020000],
    'EPSG:3034': [2122254.2378, 1164627.9290, 5955457.4541, 5021872.0731],
    'EPSG:3035': [2426378.0132, 1528101.2618, 6293974.6215, 5446513.5222],
    'EPSG:3044': [-1370000, 3800000, 2100000, 8020000],
    'EPSG:3045': [-1700000, 3700000, 1900000, 7950000],
    'EPSG:31466': [2411408, 5129732, 3218656, 6235087],
    'EPSG:31467': [3175708, 5133776, 4024237, 6207551],
    'EPSG:31468': [3952421, 5152678, 4836381, 6189322],
    'EPSG:31469': [4718975, 5180252, 5646048, 6176060],
    'EPSG:5676': [2411408, 5129732, 3218656, 6235087],
    'EPSG:5677': [3175708, 5133776, 4024237, 6207551],
    'EPSG:5678': [3952421, 5152678, 4836381, 6189322],
    'EPSG:5679': [4718975, 5180252, 5646048, 6176060],
    'EPSG:2397': [3175708, 5133776, 4024237, 6207551],
    'EPSG:2398': [3952421, 5152678, 4836381, 6189322],
    'EPSG:2399': [4718975, 5180252, 5646048, 6176060]

// TODO: find right place
// TODO: lazy init?
for (var srs in BKGWebMap.PROJECTIONS_EXTENTS) {
    var projection = ol.proj.get(srs);

 * Standard resolutions for UTM32s.
 * These will be used in all coordinate system with meter as unit
 * @type {number[]}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.RESOLUTIONS
    4891.96981025128, // AdV-Level 0 (1:17471320.7508974)
    2445.98490512564, // AdV-Level 1 (1:8735660.37544872)
    1222.99245256282, // AdV-Level 2 (1:4367830.18772436)
    611.49622628141, // AdV-Level 3 (1:2183915.09386218)
    305.748113140705, // AdV-Level 4 (1:1091957.54693109)
    152.874056570353, // AdV-Level 5 (1:545978.773465545)
    76.4370282851763, // AdV-Level 6 (1:272989,386732772)
    38.2185141425881, // AdV-Level 7 (1:136494,693366386)
    19.1092570712941, // AdV-Level 8 (1:68247,3466831931)
    9.55462853564703, // AdV-Level 9 (1:34123,6733415966)
    4.77731426782352, // AdV-Level 10 (1:17061,8366707983)
    2.38865713391176, // AdV-Level 11 (1:8530,91833539914)
    1.19432856695588, // AdV-Level 12 (1:4265,45916769957)
    0.59716428347794 // AdV-Level 13 (1:2132,72958384978)

 * Extension resolutions for UTM32s.
 * They extend the defined resolutions by 30cm/Pixel and 15cm/Pixel
 * @type {number[]}

 * Standard resolutions for WGS84.
 * These will be used in all coordinate system with degrees as unit
 * @type {number[]}
    0.0439453125, // AdV-Level 0 (1:17471320.7508974)
    0.02197265625, // AdV-Level 1 (1:8735660.37544872)
    0.010986328125, // AdV-Level 2 (1:4367830.18772436)
    0.0054931640625, // AdV-Level 3 (1:2183915.09386218)
    0.00274658203125, // AdV-Level 4 (1:1091957.54693109)
    0.001373291015625, // AdV-Level 5 (1:545978.773465545)
    0.0006866455078125, // AdV-Level 6 (1:272989,386732772)
    0.00034332275390625, // AdV-Level 7 (1:136494,693366386)
    0.000171661376953125, // AdV-Level 8 (1:68247,3466831931)
    0.0000858306884765625, // AdV-Level 9 (1:34123,6733415966)
    0.0000429153442382813, // AdV-Level 10 (1:17061,8366707983)
    0.0000214576721191406, // AdV-Level 11 (1:8530,91833539914)
    0.0000107288360595703, // AdV-Level 12 (1:4265,45916769957)
    0.00000536441802978516 // AdV-Level 13 (1:2132,72958384978)

 * Extension resolutions for WGS84.
 * They extend the defined resolutions by 30cm/Pixel and 15cm/Pixel
 * @type {number[]}

 * GetFeatureInfo supported formats. Priority have the first elements of this array.
 * @type {string[]}

 * Standard colors for map icons.
 * @type {string[]}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.MAP_ICONS_COLORS

 * Deafault style for vector layers. It will be used if no style is defined for vector layers.
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.DEFAULT_STYLE
 * @property {string} name - Name of style. This should be used as reference for a layer (/styles/items/symbol/name)
 * @property {string} type - Type of style: symbol (/styles/items/symbol/type)
 * @property {string} fillColor - Fill color for vector layers. A hexadecimal value (/styles/items/symbol/fillColor)
 * @property {string} strokeColor - Stroke color for vector layers. A hexadecimal value (/styles/items/symbol/strokeColor)
 * @property {string} symbol - Symbol for vector layers (points) (/styles/items/symbol/symbol)
    name: 'bkgwebmap-defaultstyle',
    type: 'symbol',
    fillColor: '#407E40',
    strokeColor: '#1E481E',
    symbol: 'circle'

 * Default values for layer properties
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.LAYERS
 * @property {Object} WMS - Default values for WMS layer
 * @property {Object} WMTS - Default values for WMTS layer
 * @property {Object} WFS - Default values for WFS layer
 * @property {Object} MARKER - Default values for MARKER layer
 * @property {Object} CSV - Default values for CSV layer
 * @property {Object} XLS - Default values for XLS layer
 * @property {Object} GPS - Default values for GPS layer
 * @property {Object} GROUP - Default values for GROUP layer
 * @property {Object} VECTOR - Default values for VECTOR layer
 * @property {Object} NONE - Default values for NONE layer
    WMS: {
        VERSION: '1.1.1', // TODO: fix issue with axis order in 1.3.0
        VISIBLE: true,
        SELECT_STYLE: true
    WMTS: {
        VISIBLE: true,
        DEFAULTSTYLE: 'default'
    WFS: {
        VERSION: '1.1.0',
        VISIBLE: true,
        FORMAT: 'GML3',
        EDIT: false,
        TILES: true
    MARKER: {
        PROJECTION: 'EPSG:4326',
        VISIBLE: true,
        EDIT: false
    CSV: {
        PROJECTION: 'EPSG:4326',
        VISIBLE: true,
        HEADER: true,
        ENCODING: 'UTF-8',
        DELIMITER: ';',
        EDIT: false
    XLS: {
        PROJECTION: 'EPSG:4326',
        VISIBLE: true,
        HEADER: true,
        EDIT: false
    GPS: {
        VISIBLE: true,
        EDIT: false
    GROUP: {
        VISIBLE: true
    VECTOR: {
        VISIBLE: true,
        EDIT: false
    NONE: {
        NAME: 'Keine Hintergrundkarte'

 * Default parameters for controls
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.CONTROLS
 * @property {string} panelPosition - Panel position (/options/panelPosition)
 * @property {string|null} initialize - Tool that should be shown, when starting the Application. If empty or null, then panel will be closed (/options/initialize)
 * @property {Object} tools - Tools in panel (/options/tools)
    panelPosition: 'left',
    initialize: null,
    tools: {
        layerSwitcher: {
            active: true,
            div: null,
            style: '',
            editStyle: true,
            changeVisibility: true,
            showWMSLayers: true,
            changeOrder: true,
            openLevel: 0
        customLayers: {
            active: true,
            edit: true,
            changeVisibility: true,
            defaultStyle: '',
            dataTypes: ['BKG', 'WMS', 'WMTS', 'WFS', 'CSV', 'XLS', 'GPS']
        showAttributes: {
            active: true,
            div: null,
            style: ''
        legend: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            style: ''
        measure: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            style: ''
        edit: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            style: '',
            export: {
                active: false,
                formats: ['GEOJSON', 'GML', 'GPX', 'KML', 'WKT']
        zoom: {
            active: true,
            showZoomLevel: false,
            zoomToFullExtent: true,
            history: true,
            position: 'top-left',
            div: null,
            style: ''
        fullScreen: {
            active: true,
            position: 'top-right',
            div: null,
            style: ''
        scalebar: {
            active: true,
            position: 'bottom-right',
            scalebarType: 'mapscaleDistance',
            div: null,
            style: ''
        share: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            print: {
                active: true,
                stylesheet: ''
            permaLink: {
                active: true
            jsonExport: {
                active: false,
                appName: 'BKG WebMap'

        showCoordinates: {
            active: true,
            position: 'bottom-right',
            div: null,
            style: ''
        staticLinks: [{
            active: false,
            position: 'bottom-left',
            div: null,
            style: ''
                active: false,
                position: 'top:200px;left:350px;',
                div: null,
                style: '',
                size: [0, 0],
                title: '',
                content: ''
        copyright: {
            active: true,
            position: 'bottom-left',
            div: null,
            style: '',
            maxHeight: '150px',
            maxWidth: '700px'
        searchCoordinates: {
            active: true,
            div: null,
            style: ''
        geoSearch: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            style: '',
            protocol: {
                ortssuche: ''
            defaultProtocol: 'ortssuche',
            suggestCount: 20,
            resultsCount: 20,
            resultsMaxZoom: 13,
            reverseGeocoding: {
                active: true,
                maxResolution: null,
                minResolution: null,
                maxZoom: null,
                minZoom: null,
                defaultFilter: 'typ:Haus',
                count: 20
        copyCoordinates: {
            active: true,
            div: null,
            style: ''
        cookieCheck: {
            active: false,
            doNotActivate: false,
            url: BKGWebMap.BASE_URL + 'web_bkg_webmap/cookietest/setcookie.php'
        overviewMap: {
            active: false,
            position: 'bottom-right',
            div: null,
            collapsible: true,
            collapsed: false,
            layers: []
        timeSlider: {
            active: false,
            div: null,
            position: 'bottom-right'

 * Controls that could be positioned in panel
 * @type {string[]}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.CONTROLS_IN_PANEL

 * Valid positions for icons in map
 * @type {string[]}

 * Errors for debugging. They will be shown in browser console.
 * @type {Object}
 * @constant BKGWebMap.ERROR
    mapDiv: 'ERROR - The map div with the following ID was not found: ',
    wrongPersistenceVersion: 'ERROR IN PERSISTENCE - The version of persistence JSON is not the same as the actual BKG WebMap version. You might experience compatibility problems.',
    jsonFile: 'ERROR - The following JSON could not be loaded: ',
    missingLayersJson: 'ERROR IN CONFIG JSON - Key "layers" is not available.',
    missingTypeLayersJson: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Key "type" in "layers" is not available.',
    wrongTypeLayersJson: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Illegal value for key "type" in "layers": ',
    wrongUrl: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Please verify the map service URL of layers: ',
    wmtsGetCapabilities: 'ERROR - The WMTS getCapabilities request could not be made. Please make sure that the URL is right and the server is online.',
    wmtsLayerName: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Please provide a layer name for the WMTS service.',
    wmtsTileGrid: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Tile grid of WMTS service missing.',
    wfsTypename: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Please provide a typeName (namespace:featuretype) for the WFS layers.',
    markersMissing: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Please verify that you have added coordinates for the markers.',
    csvExcelOptions: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - No options are defined: ',
    csvExcelCoordMissing: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Please verify that you have added coordinates for layer:  ',
    missingLayersGroup: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - No layers for GROUP are defined.',
    missingRefInBkg: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - No ref for BGK layer is defined',
    missingStyleName: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - No name is defined in the following style configuration: ',
    wrongStyleType: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Wrong type in the following style configuration: ',
    wrongStyleSymbol: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Wrong symbol in the following style configuration: ',
    missingStyleSymbol: 'ERROR IN CONFIG - Missing symbol in the following style configuration: ',
    noPanelNoDivForControl: 'ERROR IN CONFIG: No panel available and no other div defined for control: ',
    noLayerSwitcherControl: 'ERROR IN CONFIG: Custom Layers Control could not be added. Please add also Layer Switcher Control',
    geoSearchWrongProtocol: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Wrong protocol',
    geoSearchUrlMissing: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Please define url for wfs protocol',
    geoSearchFeaturePrefixMissing: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Please define featurePrefix for wfs protocol',
    geoSearchFeatureTypeMissing: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Please define featureType for wfs protocol',
    geoSearchSearchAttributeMissing: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Please define searchAttribute for wfs protocol',
    xhrError: 'ERROR IN GEOSEARCH: Error in AJAX request',
    enableCookiesImport: 'Konfigurationsdatei importieren: Für diese Funktion werden Cookies benötigt. Bitte aktivieren Sie Cookies im Browser.'